Remembering with rememberance of words

On the first death anniversary of José Saramago, I can't help but remember and reminisce the worlds of words he so perseveringly weaved into narratives which, to me, are blessed with the author's literary voice that has forever become a part of my understanding of human existence. Replete foremostly with human emotion and an ever so patient motherly touch in such unforgettable characters like Blimunda, Lydia and Death, each book of his I have picked and read so far, has made me feel more rooted into the ground we all need to stand upon. Abound with astounding imagination, Saramago's writing could easily be credited with playing a conscious role of constantly contesting 'our' sense of reality (as well as illusion).

     The run-on sentence with an aural felicity beckons a reader's delight (provided the reader is able to give in wholly to the perspectival imagination of the written word). Challenging the notions of the world we inhabit, Saramago's books can truly be said to have started once they finish with our first reading.

Here's quoting words by him which do not fail to fill holes hearts could be found with...

"We use words to understand each other and even, sometimes, to find each other."

"Reading is probably another way of being in a place."

"Your questions are false if you already know the answer."

"Liking is probably the best form of ownership, and ownership the worst form of liking."

"Words that come from the heart are never spoken, they get caught in the throat and can only be read in one's eyes."

"One cannot be too careful with words, they change their minds just as people do."


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